Aleksandra Kleśta

Aleksandra Kleśta

Writer / Narrative Designer / Copywriter

As a child, I was especially fond of three things: birds, games, and words. While birds have yet to reveal their impact on my life, the other two became major forming factors of my future.

Watching my father play Diablo caused a 6-year-old me trauma to fall in love with games. Over 25 years, my gaming transformed from blissfully wasting half my youth away in World of Warcraft (totally worth it) to holding a deep appreciation for the masterfully imagined, designed, and told stories.

Meanwhile, what started with composing rhyming wishes for Christmas postcards led to studies in communication design and a decade-long career in advertising as a creative copywriter. After publishing my first short stories, I started considering myself something more - simply a writer.

The conjunction of spheres was quite inevitable. I gained first experience points in the game writing and narrative design specialization by working on two mobile projects with Mousetrap Games studio. Since 2023, I’ve been working as a writer for the Unseen Silence and Eneida Games, weaving the narrative layer for both studios’ upcoming titles.

When I craft a story, my main goal is to make it alive. Whether through meticulous worldbuilding, relatable yet complex characters, emotionally genuine dialogue, or the seamless orchestration of branching events into captivating plots. Personally, I also love to add a pinch (or a gallon) of humor whenever possible.

Explore my portfolio to see those skills in action, and let’s work together on bringing your project* to life as an unforgettable tale!

*If you suspect that this project of yours has a chance of containing at least one literal or figurative bird, it’s a sign from the universe itself for us to collaborate. That third factor still needs to reveal itself, remember?